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Episcopal Church Womens Meeting (ECW)

Event Organizer - Stephanie Rotsaert

Episcopal Church Women Meeting

Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is an international organization, which began in the 1850s in America. It is organized from local parish to national levels. Every woman of the Parish is a member of ECW. Ministry for women is provided through meetings, quiet days, programs, and service to the Church and community.

Our ECW has many ministries including the prayer shawl ministry, Crop walk, Operation Christmas Guild, Festival of Trees and more. Fundraising provides money to ECW for needed projects and for the Church budget. ECW meets the 1st Thursday of June, September, and December at 1:00 pm. All women are welcome. For further information please call our president, Stefanie Rotsaert, at 732-350-2121.

June 3

Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

June 7

Community Micah Award Dinner (Not a Parish Event)