Directions to St. Stephens Episcopal Church
From NJ-70 (either direction) take County Rd 539 South 3/4 mile to St. Stephen’s Church on the right.
From the Garden State Parkway; exit at Forked River onto Lacey Road West 10 miles to the traffic light and County Road 530; proceed left 1 mile to Cherry St. Make a Left on Cherry St. 1 mile to the dead end on County Road 539; then make a right on County Road 539; proceed 2/10 of a mile to St. Stephens Episcopal Church on the left.
From NJ-72, Long Beach Island, Manahawkin, etc. Take County Road 539 North approximately 10 miles
to St. Stephen’s on the left.Call the Church Office, 732-350-2121, for other directions.