** Parish Ministries and Organizations **
- Service Groups -
Men's Club
The Men’s Club fosters fraternity, congeniality, and camaraderie among the gentlemen members of the Club to support the Clergy and other officials in accomplishing their mission to the congregation and the community. For further information please call Al Thompson – President, Men’s Club @ 732-657-4510.
Episcopal Church Women
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is an international organization, which began in the 1850s in America. It is organized from local parish to national levels. Every woman of the Parish is a member of ECW. Ministry for women is provided through meetings, quiet days, programs, and service to the Church and community.
Our ECW has many ministries including the prayer shawl ministry, Crop walk, Operation Christmas Child, Festival of Trees and more. Fundraising provides money to ECW for needed projects and for the Church budget. ECW meets the 1st Thursday of June, September, and December at 1:00 pm. All women are welcome. For further information please call our president, Stefanie Bodine, at (732) 350-2904.
- The Arts -
Pinelands Symphonic Band / Orchestra
The band rehearses weekly on Friday mornings from 9:30 – 11:30 am. It consists of a 40-piece symphonic wind ensemble that has concerts throughout Ocean County. The ensemble features show music from Broadway, silver screen, and patriotic tunes. Well-known conductor Mr. Jack Milkovitz conducts the Band.
For further information please call Jeff Heilbrun, Band President at jeffheilbrun@comcast.net
- Community Organizations -
Thyroid Support Group
Through Community Medical Center, the group was organized in January 2002 at the Lighthouse in Whiting. After a few years, the rooms became doctor’s offices. Father Paul gave the go ahead to bring the Thyroid Support Group to St. Stephen’s and we have been here ever since. The goal is to educate and support each other regarding any thyroid issue. Over 2,000 people have been supported. We are probably the only support group in NJ.We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at 10:00am at the Church. For information please call Stefanie Bodine, Facilittor 732-350-2500
Boy Scout Troop #350
The Troop meets every Tuesday from 7:00 – 8:30 pm and consists of boys age 11 to 18. They focus on various projects to proceed through the ranks by earning badges and performing community service. The Troop has had at least one Eagle Scout every year for the last 10 years. For further information please call Kevin Rumbach, Committee Chairman, Boy Scout Troop #350 @ 732-647-5481.
Daisy Troop #28
Our Daisy Troop consists of 8 girls ages 5-7. They meet every other Tuesday from 6:00 – 7:00 pm for crafts, projects, and instruction regarding how to grow into a good girl scout by earning pedals, studying and learning about self-respect. For further information please call Donna Cavallo, Director, Daisy Troop #28 @ 732-267-6996.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Our Parish supports 5 AA groups that meet as described below:
For further information please call the Parish Office @ 732-350-2121.
Sunday @ 8:00 PM. Turn-it-over Group, Open Discussion
Monday @ 3:00 PM.
Tuesday @ 2:00 PM Women’s Group, Closed Discussion
Wednesday @ 3:00 PM. Solution Group, Closed Discussion
Thursday @ 3:00 PM.
Friday @ 7:00 PM. Friday Nighters
Saturday @ 8:00 PM. Saturday Night Sober, Open Speaker
- Community Outreach -
Food Pantry
Our Daily Bread Food Pantry and Hungry Paws, consists of members of the Parish and other volunteers who maintain our pantry and to provide food for the sick, the hungry and the needy. The food pantry is there to help those who have minimal funds to work with and come to our Parish when they have a specific need for food. The Food Pantry also provides pet food for dogs and cats. For further information please call Jim Jados, Director of the Food Pantry @ 732-408-5948.
Clothing Boutique
The Boutique offers gently used or new clothing at very low prices for anyone who has a need. We also have bins for heavily used items which are still serviceable, to distributed to mission fields and emergency service operations.
Pastoral Counseling
Our Rector, Father Paul Van Sant, provides Pastoral Counseling to both parishioners and members of the larger community. Counseling is available for family, pre-marital, marital, and substance abuse. Father Paul holds a Masters degree in Pastoral Counseling and received certification for Pastoral Drug and Alcohol Counseling from the state of Wisconsin.
- Worship Ministries -
Altar Guild
These members of the Parish are responsible for caring and preparing the sanctuary each week. They attend to all set up of the altar services and are responsible for bringing the sacred elements to the altar. They organize the flower memorials each week and coordinate special and seasonal decorations at Christmas and Easter. Members are scheduled to serve once a month on a rotational basis. For further information please call Val Thompson President, Altar Guild @ 732-657-4510.
Ushers and Usherettes
The Usher Ministry consists of Parish members who meet-n-greet our congregation and hand out our Parish bulletin leaflets for Sunday Services each week. In addition, our Ushers lead the offertory collection. For further information please call Al Thompson, Director, Ushers @ 732-657-4510.
Music Ministries
The goal of the Music Ministry at St. Stephen’s is to provide support for congregational singing and to provide thoughtful and meaningful music to enrich the worship service. For further information contact the Church Office at 732-350-2121.
Our Choir participates in the 10:00 am worship service every Sunday from early September through mid-June. Practices are weekly on Wednesday morning 10:00 - 11:30 am.
Chime Choir
The Chime Choir program is in its seventh year. Our chimers play tuned tubular instruments that sound similar to bells. They present a prelude or offertory anthem about once a month from September through June.
Special Summer Music Program
During the summer months, members and friends of our parish present offertory anthems. Prelude and Postlude music is played for the 10:00 am Service every Sunday. To join our choirs, or for further information, please call Esther Graham, Music Minister at 732-277-0904.
Lay Eucharistic Minister and Lectors
These Lay Persons serve as readers, acolytes, and assist in administering the sacraments at our church services. Training is offered once or twice each year and schedules are arranged according to each person’s availability. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister at St. Stephen’s Church, contact Father Paul for details.
Visiting Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Visiting Lay Eucharistic Minister – These Lay Persons assist our priest by taking communion to our shut-ins and those in hospital or continuing care facilities. Training is offered once or twice each year. Each person is assigned one or two individuals or institutions, which they are to visit on a monthly basis.
- Lay Orders -
Daughters of the King
The Order of the Daughters of the King is a religious order for women and girls. We take vows of prayer, service to the Church, and evangelism. We wear our cross to remind us that we can do nothing without Jesus. Our members serve in the following ministries or organizations: Altar Guild, Choir, Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM), Prayer Chains, Vestry, and Episcopal Church Women (ECW). We also participate in retreats twice a year. For further information contact the church office.
Order of St. Luke
The Order of St. Luke is an international, interdenominational group dedicated to the healing of body, soul, and spirit. Each of our members has spent time studying about healing. This chapter meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month after the 10 A.M. Healing Service. Members provide prayers of healing every Thursday, and the last Sunday of the month. We also host a Healing Mission every other year at our Church. Our next mission will be in 2021. For further information please call Stefanie or Bill Bodine, Conveners @ 732-350-2904.
- Awards Given By Our Parish -
The Micah Award
The Micah Award is given to a member of the greater Manchester area who through their efforts and for business has made our community a better and more pleasant place to live in. The award is presented as a plaque and is awarded at a community dinner in their honor. For further information or to reserve a seat at the dinner please call Father Paul Van Sant, Rector, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church – Whiting, NJ @ 732-350-2121.
The Sakin - Paul Award
This is an award that is given to a member of our Parish for their work and efforts to serve God and for bringing together the community of Christ. For further information please call St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church- Whiting, NJ @ 732-350-2121.
- Special Ministries -
Bible Studies
Bible Studies are offered at least two and sometimes as much as four times each year. On occasion, historical or denominational studies are also offered. All our adult studies are open to the public. There are no denominational requirements. Studies last between three and eight weeks on average.
Annual Blessing of the Bikes
On the first Sunday of May each year we host a gathering of motorcycle enthusiasts where we bless their motorcycles and enjoy food, music, and fellowship together. This special relationship extends to individual bikers throughout the year as Father Paul provides counseling, sacraments, and other ministries to those who wish to receive them.
Fellowship and Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee provides an opportunity to build fellowship within our parish and larger communities while supporting the financial needs of our church. This talented group of parishioners organizes many of the activities listed below
- Other Activities -
There is no way that we can list and describe every activity we have to offer, but here are some of the other events and projects that we are involved in here at St. Stephen’s:
Dignified Junque - Annual Labor Day Fair
Two English Teas
Craft and Vendor Fair
Flea Market
Dinners And Barbeques
And More
We have a diverse and vibrant collection of ministries, programs, and services at
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church.
To find out more about our offerings as described above call the Church Office for further information.
Updated 2022-03-17 (BL)